Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Week of November 26th

 Weekly Newsletter

Learning Community Wishlist

We have added items for the classroom to the Amazon wishlist. The ribbons, craft supplies, and items for the guinea pigs should be turned in asap, so we can use them immediately. The other items on the list are less pressing. Please click here to access the list. 

Personal Timelines

Personal timeline questionnaires were sent home with students earlier this month. If you did not help your child fill out the form yet, please do so and return to school as soon as possible. Students will be creating their own personal timelines at school.

The Scholastic Book Fair 

The book fair will take place in the Ellis Media Center from December 1-7, 2023.

If you would like to shop with your student, the book fair will be open after school until 4pm. On Thursday, December 7th, the book fair will be open after school until 5:30pm, which is when the Festival of Lights will begin.

Visit the Ellis Book Fair website to explore the digital flyer, add money to your student's eWallet account, and shop the online book fair (starting Dec. 1st).

If you can volunteer to help at the Book Fair, contact Ms. Lisa ( directly or sign up at this link.

Friendship Stew

Thank you for sending in the ingredients for our little feast! The children enjoyed preparing stew, cornbread, and butter to share with the community!

Second Harvest Field Trip

We are now accepting food donations for America's Second Harvest in the bin located in the front lobby of the school. 

The following items are needed:

Canned fish or meat

Peanut butter

Canned low-sodium soups or stews

Canned or dry beans

Canned fruits in juice

Canned low-sodium vegetables

If you choose to donate, please send in money for the angel tree this week. We will be collecting funds until Friday, December 1, so that we can purchase items from the community next weekend. Gifts are due December 5, so students will have time to wrap them on Monday and Tuesday of that week.

Dates to Remember

November 29- iReady Reading Assessment

December 1- Angel Tree Donations Due

December 1- Deadline to Purchase Make-Up Photos

December 1- M.E.S.S. Holiday Party

December 1-7- Book Fair

December 2- Family Engagement Gathering

December 5- Musical Explorers Field Trip

December 7- Festival of Lights

Dec16- Jan 2- Winter Break

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