Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Week of December 11th

 The Blue Jays Weekly Newsletter

Peace and Giving Celebration

Our Ellis Families are so kind and gracious, especially at this time of the year. As you are shopping for gifts in the upcoming weeks, in lieu of teacher gifts, please keep our classroom needs in mind.

Please look over our wish list. If you wish to purchase a gift for the class, send the wrapped gift in on Thursday, December 15th.  Please label your child’s gift with his/her name.   We will open up gifts together during our celebration. The children will gain a stronger sense of responsibility for our community resources, and will, of course, be thrilled to see “their gift” put to use.  If you are unable to send in a gift, do not worry, we will have several gifts that we have purchased on hand, for the children to open, so that no one is left out at gift opening time!


Guinea Pig Bedding
Timothy Hay
PetSmart gift cards
$30 Kroger gift cards
Paper towels
Pink erasers


We hope you have found the new system for classroom snack to be helpful for you and your family. We have seen an enormous amount of positive growth that this seemingly small change made. We are seeing that students are enthusiastic to eat their fruit and vegetable snacks without hesitation and we have seen their confidence soar due to additional opportunities in practical life activities, such as preparing food, and washing their dishes when they are through. 

At the beginning of the year, we asked that each student turn in a $30 ($1.67 for each student per week) Kroger gift card to pay for organic snacks for the first semester. Thank you to all the families who sent in gift cards! If you did not send in a gift card at that time or if you are able to send in an extra gift card, please consider sending one in now. Because food costs are on the rise, we are nearing the end of our funds for the first semester. 


The lower elementary classes have the following homework expectations:

Read for 20 minutes each night, either independently or with family members.

If you have access to technology at home, your child can follow their i-Ready learning path.

Math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) 

It is very important that all families sign up for our community Remind!  Please text @ac3c9 to number 81010 or if you are having trouble with 81010 try texting @ac3c9 to 971-239-4842  (Please sign up!)

Dates to Remember

December 15- Gifts for Peace and Giving Celebration due

December 16- Donation Dress Down

December 16- Holiday Sing Along Backyard 2pm

Dec 19-Jan 3- Winter Break

January 4- Students return to school

January 16- MLK Day- No School

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