Sunday, May 13, 2018

Weekly Newsletter 
The Week of May 14th

Tea With Mom
Moms or Mother Figures are invited to join us for Tea with Mom on Monday, May 14. Please drop by between 1 and 2 pm to enjoy tea with your child. We are looking forward to seeing you! 

Spring Conferences
Spring conferences will conclude this week.  We have been enjoying meeting with you to discuss your child's progress, test scores, and decisions for next year. We appreciate you following the schedule linked below. With 41 families in the community, we must strictly adhere to the schedule.Thank you!!/showSignUp/10C0F4FAAAA23A0F58-spring1

Donors Choose Project
Our Donors Choose project was fully funded! Thank you for helping us get these much needed materials for our classroom! We really appreciate your support!

Books Due

All books are due back to the Media Center now. Please look at home for any books that need to be returned. Thank you!


Please get your yearbook in the Media Center! They are on sale for $20. 

Charles Ellis Cookbooks

Charles Ellis cookbooks are on sale for $15. Please help support our community by purchasing a cookbook for your family!

Skill Practice

Please continue to use KHAN MAPPERS over the summer! It has child-specific targeted practice that links directly to MAP-Mathematics test scores. It is a valuable resource for all students. Please continue to use MobyMax and Xtra Math to practice skills at home when possible. 
Field Day

 The Learning Community Wish List (bold items are more pressing)


May 14-Tea with Mom **1-2pm -Room 27
May 14-16-GMAS retakes
May 17-May, June, and July Birthday Celebration
May 18-Last Day of School

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