Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekly Newsletter
The Week of October 23rd

Charles Ellis Logo Apparel
Order forms were sent out last week with the PTA information. All orders and money are due this week on or before Friday, October 27th!

Apple Muffins
We will be making apple muffins this week! WE left some of the ingredients at home last week and were unable to make them. Student anticipation has grown and they are super excited to make this delicious snack!

The Great Pumpkin Patch
The Media Center is hosting the Great Pumpkin Patch again this year! Decorate your pumpkin to look like your favorite book character and send it in to school beginning Monday! Please remember that pumpkins should be decorated-not carved!

Holiday Wreath Fundraiser-Ends Nov 3rd!
The CEMA wreath sale is under way! Wreaths will be delivered to the school the first week of December or can be shipped directly to friends and family across the country. All proceeds go to growing and improving our school gardens! Please use the link below to order your beautiful holiday wreaths. Happy shopping!

Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Yankee candle online orders are open through January 15th! Enter the group number 999971165 to make sure our school gets 40% of sales!

PTA Membership
Information about the PTA was sent home last week. There are many ways to help the Charles Ellis PTA! Please consider registering and becoming a member.


Thanks to all who have come in for conferences.We have enjoyed meeting with you! If you have not yet signed up for a conference, please send us an email and we can find a time that fits your family's schedule. 

The Learning Community Wish List (bold items are more pressing)

Water Color Paper (any size)

Monday, Oct. 23: Great Pumpkin Patch-Media Center  
Friday, Oct. 27: Dress Down $1
Friday, Oct. 27: Charles Ellis Logo orders due

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