Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Week of December 10th

  Weekly Newsletter

Peace and Giving Celebration

Our Ellis Families are so kind and gracious, especially at this time of the year. As you are shopping for gifts, in lieu of teacher gifts, please keep our classroom needs in mind.

Please look over our wish list. If you wish to purchase a gift for the class, send the wrapped gift in on Thursday, December 14th.  Please label your child’s gift with his/her name.   We will open up gifts together during our celebration. The children will gain a stronger sense of responsibility for our community resources, and will, of course, be thrilled to see “their gift” put to use.  If you are unable to send in a gift, do not worry, we will have several gifts that we have purchased on hand, for the children to open, so that no one is left out at gift opening time!

These items or something similar are needed for a craft students are making this week. So if you have them, please send them in ASAP. Thank you!

Our Guinea Pigs Need A Home!

We still do not have a home for our girls over the break. If your family is able to take our sweet guineas for winter break, please send us a message on Remind. 

 Musical Explorers Field Trip

Personal Timelines

We have been learning about different kinds of timelines. Some students have begun working on their own personal timelines in class. This project is part of our History curriculum and aims to help students learn more about how time unfolds and how they can begin to view their own life in the context of the time that has passed since they were born. Prior to this project, they learned about different ways to measure time, including days, weeks, months, and years.

Second Harvest 

We are now accepting food donations for America's Second Harvest in the bin located in the front lobby of the school. 

The following items are needed:

Canned fish or meat

Peanut butter

Canned low-sodium soups or stews

Canned or dry beans

Canned fruits in juice

Canned low-sodium vegetables

Ellis Information Nights

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy invites you to our Montessori Information Nights. If you are a new/prospective family interested in applying to the CHOICE SCHOOLS LOTTERY for school year 2024-2025 and wish to find out more about Charles Ellis Montessori Academy, please attend the information night for the grade level you will be applying for. For current Charles Ellis Montessori Academy Families please attend the information night for the developmental level your child will be matriculating to in SY 2024-2025.

At the meetings you will receive the following:

Montessori philosophy and practices for the Developmental Plane

Overview of Montessori Curriculum

An introduction to the Montessori Prepared Environment

Academic and social expectations for developmental stages.

An opportunity to meet our Montessori Community

Please note all meetings begin at 5:30PM SHARP:

  • Lower EL (Grades 1-3) - Wednesday, December 13th 
  • Erdkinder (Grades 7 & 8) - Thursday, December 14th

Dates to Remember

December 13- Lower El Information Night

December 14- Erdkinder Information Night

December 15- Donation Dress Down Day

December 16- January 2- Winter Break

Monday, December 4, 2023

The Week of December 3rd

  Weekly Newsletter

Musical Explorers Field Trip

We will be headed out to the Musical Explorers field trip on Tuesday afternoon. A free program, Musical Explorers builds basic music skills as students learn songs from different cultures and reflect on their own communities. After focusing on three musical genres each semester, in-person concerts allow students to “meet” the professional musicians that have guided them on their musical journeys through the Georgia Lowcountry and beyond!

Festival of Lights

Learning Community Wishlist

We have added items for the classroom to the Amazon wishlist. The ribbons, craft supplies, and items for the guinea pigs should be turned in asap, so we can use them immediately. The other items on the list are less pressing. Please click here to access the list. 

Personal Timelines

We have been learning about different kinds of timelines. Some students have begun working on their own personal timelines in class. This project is part of our History curriculum and aims to help students learn more about how time unfolds and how they can begin to view their own life in the context of the time that has passed since they were born. Prior to this project, they learned about different ways to measure time, including days, weeks, months, and years.

The Scholastic Book Fair 

The book fair will take place in the Ellis Media Center from December 1-7, 2023.

If you would like to shop with your student, the book fair will be open after school until 4pm. On Thursday, December 7th, the book fair will be open after school until 5:30pm, which is when the Festival of Lights will begin.

Visit the Ellis Book Fair website to explore the digital flyer, add money to your student's eWallet account, and shop the online book fair (starting Dec. 1st).

If you can volunteer to help at the Book Fair, contact Ms. Lisa ( directly or sign up at this link.

Second Harvest 

We are now accepting food donations for America's Second Harvest in the bin located in the front lobby of the school. 

The following items are needed:

Canned fish or meat

Peanut butter

Canned low-sodium soups or stews

Canned or dry beans

Canned fruits in juice

Canned low-sodium vegetables

Ellis Information Nights

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy invites you to our Montessori Information Nights. If you are a new/prospective family interested in applying to the CHOICE SCHOOLS LOTTERY for school year 2024-2025 and wish to find out more about Charles Ellis Montessori Academy, please attend the information night for the grade level you will be applying for. For current Charles Ellis Montessori Academy Families please attend the information night for the developmental level your child will be matriculating to in SY 2024-2025.

At the meetings you will receive the following:

Montessori philosophy and practices for the Developmental Plane

Overview of Montessori Curriculum

An introduction to the Montessori Prepared Environment

Academic and social expectations for developmental stages.

An opportunity to meet our Montessori Community

Please note all meetings begin at 5:30PM SHARP:

Primary (Grades PreK 4 & Kindergarten) - Tues, Dec. 5th 

Lower EL (Grades 1-3) - Wednesday, Dec.13th 

Upper Elementary (Grades 4-6) - Wednesday, December 6th 

Erdkinder (Grades 7 & 8) - Thursday, December 14th

Dates to Remember

December 1-7- Book Fair

December 5- Musical Explorers Field Trip

December 7- Festival of Lights

Dec16- Jan 2- Winter Break

The Week of February 16th

   Weekly Newsletter Boosterthon Fundraiser! Here’s how your family can make a big difference by supporting our school through this fundrais...