Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Week of May 15th

   Weekly Newsletter

              *Please remember to send in water bottles daily.*

Device and Charger Collection 

Ms. Lisa and Ms. Laura are collecting devices and chargers this week. Please check around your house and make sure that the charger to your child's device is returned. There is a $30 fee for lost chargers if you have not purchased the protection plan. Also, all borrowed books need to be returned to the Media Center as soon as possible. They were due May 6th. Thank you!

Picnic at Circle Park-Thursday at 1pm

We will have a 
class picnic in celebration of our students who will be moving on next year. Please plan to join us this Thursday at 1pm at Circle Park. Feel free to bring food items that can be shared by everyone. You can also send in shareable food items with your child if you cannot attend the picnic. Also, please bring blankets, chairs, or whatever you’d like to sit on, for yourself and your child! Field trip forms went home last week. Please sign and return as soon as possible.

Field Day - May 20
Unfortunately, parents will not be allowed to attend.We have two parents sending in ice pops and that is everything we will need for the community on that day. The following is a letter from Coach Lesley. We have not been assigned a t-shirt color yet.

                           Covid Flow Chart

*Dates to Remember

May 19- Picnic at Circle Park 1pm

May 20- Field Day- Pizza Party

May 24- 8th Grade Bridging Ceremony (9am)

May 24- Last Day of School!

Monday, May 9, 2022

  Weekly Newsletter

              *Please remember to send in water bottles daily.*

Water bottles are a necessity! 

**Field Day-Date Change**

Field Day will be May 20! Unfortunately parents will not be allowed to attend. We no longer need canopies because it  will be held at Charles Ellis instead of Daffin Park. We have two parents sending in ice pops and that is everything we will need for the community on that day. The following is a letter from Coach Lesley. We have not been assigned a t-shirt color yet.

 May Day at Massie 
We all had a wonderful time on our first field trip in over 2 years! Thanks to Amanda Fanelli for the pictures and video! You can view the children dancing the Bele Kawe at this link


                           Covid Flow Chart

*Dates to Remember

May 11- Military Appreciation Breakfast

May 20- Field Day

May 24- 8th Grade Bridging Ceremony (9am)

May 24- Last Day of School!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Week of May 1st

  Weekly Newsletter

*Please remember to send in water bottles daily*

**Field Day-Date Change**

Field Day will no longer take place on May 23rd. The new date has not yet been finalized. Please stay tuned for more information. We are in need of volunteers to bring and set up outdoor canopies at Daffin Park for both the Blue Jays and Cardinals. We will also need coolers and a donation of ice pops for both classes. Please contact both Ms. Jazmin and Ms. Marianne by email or Remind if you can help!

Buy a Book, Get one FREE!
We are very happy to announce that our BOGO Book Fair is scheduled for April 29th-May 5th. The book fair will be open to students during regular school hours. On May 5th, the book fair will be open until 5:30pm.

You can find out more information about adding money to your student's eWallet account on the Ellis Media Center website.

This book fair happens to coincide with PTA Teacher Appreciation Week! Books for the classroom make a great teacher gift.
Click here for links to add money to your teacher's eWallet account so that they can buy books for the classroom.

 May Day at Massie
Students will be performing the Bele Kawe dance on May 4 in front of Massie Heritage Center. Please review this video and help your child practice the steps at home.

May Day Festival Returns to Massie!
Massie Heritage Center will be celebrating May Day, the traditional welcoming of spring, on Wednesday, May 4th from 10 am until 12 noon in Calhoun Square.  Students from various SCCPSS elementary schools will perform a variety of ethnic dances from around the world, including the traditional May Pole Dance.  Massie's neighbor on the square, Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church, will provide the students with lemonade and homemade cookies following their performances. 

​Massie's May Day Festival is a long-standing Savannah tradition, dating back from the first year that the school opened in 1856.  It has evolved into one of the largest multicultural events in our school system.  Massie School is the oldest school in continuous operation in the state of Georgia and was founded as a free school for children of the poor in Savannah.  Operating as a grammar school until 1974, Massie now operates as a teaching museum for History and Architecture for the public and students. 

WHAT:  2022 Massie School May Day Festival

WHEN:  Wednesday, May 4, 2022 – 10am to Noon

WHERE:  Calhoun Square, Savannah Georgia

Musical Explorers Concert May 5th!
During the 2022 spring semester, students have explored Ring Shout, Southeastern Woodlands Native American Music, and South African Kwela. Musical Explorers provides rich opportunities for musical and cultural exploration and culminates with a live concert experience.


                           Covid Flow Chart

For more information, please click on the link Book It


Learning Logs
Please go over the Learning Log with your child and discuss the work they completed and sign it.  Please have your child return the Learning Log Monday.  Filling out a Learning Log is a learning process in itself, so some of them may not have written all of the work they have completed on the log. This will take time, especially for the younger students. 

The purpose behind this is to facilitate conversation about work choices and work completion.  The hope is that the students can explain to you what each work is and what they worked on.  Also, if you notice that they chose mostly math that week and hardly practiced any reading, that is where a discussion can be had about appropriate choices. Most students have the goal of completing one Language, Reading, and Math work each day, and some Cultural (remember that Cultural is considered "big" work and is completed over time). If your child is coming home with an empty learning log yet they are telling you that they are working, perhaps encourage and remind them to write down the work they are completing as they complete it.  These are conversations that we have with the students continually, but of course, in true Montessori fashion, we need the "triangle" to be complete between student, teacher/school, and parent/home in order to be successful.    

Students are asked to read nightly for 20 minutes and fill in their reading log. When the log is filled in, bring it in and a new one will go home.

We are also asking that Cardinals and Blue Jays practice math facts nightly for a few minutes using XtraMath for first and second year students and for third years.  If your child would rather use flash cards or some other type of practice, that is fine. 

Your child will need to use their device to practice reading and math skills twice a week on iReady at home. 

They will also need to get on Amira at home and practice reading at least twice a week. Amira practice can be recorded on reading logs. 

Your child needs to log in to their device using the username ( and password taped on the computer. Then they will log in to ClassLink and this will give them access to both Amira and iReady. They will just need to click the icon of the app being used.

If they are using a device that was not issued by the school, login to ClassLink through the district website by clicking on "Families and Students", then ClassLink on the right hand side. 

Thursday Explorations

Students have Explorations (PE, Music, Tech, Steam, Spanish, Art) classes on Thursdays. Your child needs to wear sneakers and bring a snack, water bottle, school device and headphones. 

Water Bottles

Water bottles are a necessity! It is hot outside and there are no water fountains from which our students can drink. There are water bottle refilling stations, so students can refill their bottles during the day.  

*Dates to Remember

April 29-May 5- BOGO Book Fair

May 4- May Day Celebration-Massie

May 5- Musical Explorers Concert-Trustees

May 11- Military Appreciation Breakfast

May 24- 8th Grade Bridging Ceremony (9am)

May 24- Last Day of School!

The Week of February 16th

   Weekly Newsletter Boosterthon Fundraiser! Here’s how your family can make a big difference by supporting our school through this fundrais...