Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Week of October 25th

 The Weekly Newsletter

Open Meetings!

We are so pleased that we are able to spend more time with our students each day! All students are required to attend Open Meetings after the Morning Meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Below is a reminder of the meeting schedule:

8:45-9:05 First Year Students

9:05-9:25 Second Year students

9:25-9:45 Third Year Students

Writing Assignments

We had our introduction to opinion writing last week. This Wednesday, we will have our first formal opinion writing lesson. Don't forget to checkout the writing lesson in "plans" on Wednesday!


We are looking forward to meeting with families on Monday, October 26 and Wednesday, October 28. If you have not yet scheduled your conference, please click the link below and choose a time that works for you.

Medical Questionnaire

If you have not already done so, please fill out this medical questionnaire so that Nurse Chris can have it on file for your child.  It is important that the school has up to date records for each child.

Science Club

Science Club  meets every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. via a link posted in the "Announcements" section in The Learning Community course on the itsLearning platform. We have a virtual field trip planned for November 18 at 9am, so keep an eye out for more information about that!

PTA Wreath Sales

​​Give your support and spread some much needed holiday cheer with beautiful holiday evergreens from the Pacific Northwest! Proceeds go to support and improve the Ellis pond and gardens. Deadline to order at the website below is November 1st.

PTA Wreath Sales Flyer

Wreath Sales Website

​​​​​The Society of Women Engineers is hosting their annual Girls Engineer It Day on Saturday, November 7th. 

This year, the event will be completely virtual. Boys are allowed to participate if they would like to sign-up. Email Ms. Olivia ( if your student is interested in participating. While this is a virtual, individual event, Ms. Olivia would like to create a small community of participants to collaborate with after the event to brainstorm ideas and to share experiences. Ms. Olivia has a small budget to help sponsor students in need. She is looking for 15 elementary and middle school students to participate, but she will not be able to accept any names after October 30th. 

Book Character Pumpkin Patch

Book It!

Dates to Remember

10/26/2020------Fall Conferences

10/28/2020------Fall Conferences

10/28/2020------Science Club 9am

11/11/2020-------Veteran's Day (No School!)

11/18/2020-------Virtual Field Trip 9am

11/23-11/27-----Thanksgiving Break 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Week of October 18

 The Weekly Newsletter

Community Changes

Now that we have completed the first nine weeks of school, we have decided to make a small change in how often we interact with students.  About halfway through the first nine weeks, we felt that we were not seeing students enough, so we added the mandatory Tuesday meeting.  After further discussion we have decided to make all of the open meetings mandatory.  We will be giving lessons during that time and the schedule will remain the same, with the exception of when we have other things scheduled such as MAP testing, conferences, etc. Therefore, this week we will have mandatory open meetings on Thursday and Friday due to MAP testing for first and second year students which is discussed below. Below is a reminder of the meeting schedule:

8:45-9:05 First Year Students

9:05-9:25 Second Year students

9:25-9:45 Third Year Students

Writing Assignments

There will be no writing assigned this Wednesday. Please take this week to finish up any of your past due assignments for informative/explanatory writing. Next week we begin opinion writing!

MAP Testing

1st and 2nd year students will begin taking MAP reading and math assessments from home on Monday and Tuesday, unless your child is participating in the hybrid school option. Students who are attending school in person are testing at school. In order to ensure that you and your child are ready, please read the following information and links below to ensure that you have a successful testing experience. Please see the schedule below. **No journal writing on Monday and Tuesday for students who are taking MAP assessments!

**Use this link to test your child’s device to see if it is compatible with the test**

**Use this link to practice the MAP test and learn about the tools**

On the day your student tests, have them log into itsLearning and log into the Morning Meeting Zoom.

Next, they will click on MAP Test in the black toolbar at the top of itsLearning. 

We will supply the Session Name and Session login via the chat in the Zoom meeting.  We ask that you write it down in case you need it again during the test session. 

During testing you child will need to have their camera on, but they will remain muted, unless we ask them to mute.  If they have any issues with the test, such as the wheel is turning, or if they need to use the restroom, etc. they will need to raise their hand and we will ask them to unmute so that we can assist them. 

Please have an adult with the student or nearby, during the test session in case of tech issues.

MAP Testing Schedule

Monday 10/19 


Tuesday 10/20














































Opinion Writing Pre-Assessment-3rd Year Students

3rd year students will be taking the opinion writing pre-test from home on Wednesday at 10 am on our Morning Meeting Zoom. Families of the students who are testing have received an email with instructions on how to access our Writing Scrimmage Google Classroom. 3rd year students should have paper and a pencil to write a rough draft of their opinion writing piece before typing it up on the document. 


Can you believe it’s conference time?!  We have set aside two days, Monday, October 26 and Wednesday, October 28, to meet with families via the Morning Meeting  Zoom.  We will be sharing your student’s conference report via Transparent Classroom before the conference and we ask that you review the conference carefully, and come to our meeting with any questions or comments that you may have.  Please sign up for a slot via this Signup Genius that we have created.  You may enter the Zoom a few minutes early and we will let you in as soon as we can. The Zoom link is in the sign up as well, for your convenience.

Medical Questionnaire

If you have not already done so, please fill out this medical questionnaire so that Nurse Chris can have it on file for your child.  It is important that the school has up to date records for each child.

Science Club

A parent has so graciously offered to host an OPTIONAL weekly science club which will be focused on a turtle that has been adopted for our class!  The club will  meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. via a link posted in the "Announcements" section in The Learning Community course on the itsLearning platform. It's name is Ruck and here is some information about it!

The club was so much fun last week and the children seemed to love it!  We have a virtual field trip in the works, so keep an eye out for that information!

About Ruck

Species: Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii)

Age: Juvenile

Sex: Unknown

Arrival: May 27, 2020

Weight:  2.05 kg / 4.52 lbs 

Found: Cumberland Island, GA 

Rescued by: Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Why Ruck is here: Ruck arrived to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center after being attacked by a predator. The predator took a large chunk out of Ruck's neck; we estimated that about 30% of the neck was missing upon arrival. Ruck had lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. A healthier patient was used as Ruck's donor. Ruck still has a long way to go before recovering, but we are hopeful he/she will be released back to the wild someday.

Book Character Pumpkin Patch

Book It!

Fall Festival Parade Of Art and Fun!

Dates to Remember

10/19/2020-----MAP Testing (1st and 2nd Year Students)

10/20/2020----- MAP Testing (1st and 2nd Year Students)

10/21/2020----Opinion Writing Pre-Assessment (3rd Year Students)

10/22/2020------Fall Festival Parade 5-6:30pm

11/11/2020-------Veteran's Day (No School!)

11/23-11/27-----Thanksgiving Break 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Week of October 11

The Weekly Newsletter

Medical Questionnaire

If you have not already done so, please fill out this medical questionnaire so that Nurse Chris can have it on file for your child.  It is important that the school has up to date records for each child.

Science Club

A parent has so graciously offered to host an OPTIONAL weekly science club which will be focused on a turtle that has been adopted for our class!  The club will  meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. via a link posted in the "Announcements" section in The Learning Community course on the itsLearning platform. It's name is Rutt and here is some information about it!

About Ruck

Species: Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii)

Age: Juvenile

Sex: Unknown

Arrival: May 27, 2020

Weight:  2.05 kg / 4.52 lbs 

Found: Cumberland Island, GA 

Rescued by: Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Why Ruck is here: Ruck arrived to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center after being attacked by a predator. The predator took a large chunk out of Ruck's neck; we estimated that about 30% of the neck was missing upon arrival. Ruck had lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. A healthier patient was used as Ruck's donor. Ruck still has a long way to go before recovering, but we are hopeful he/she will be released back to the wild someday.

Projects and Activities

If you wish for your child to work collaboratively with another student on an activity/project that is listed in itsLearning, please fell free to do so!  We encourage collaboration in the classroom when we are face-to-face, and would love to see it in the virtual arena as well! We have had some students collaborate over Zoom on some activites and it turned out great!  They recorded the Zoom meeting and uploaded the recording to their assignment.  You may also upload images of your results! 

Book Character Pumpkin Patch

Book It!

PTA Reflections 

Please check out the link below for more information about the PTA Reflections contest. This year’s theme is “I Matter Because...”

Submissions are due by October 14.


Students should be able to log in to Amira through ItsLearning. They are expected to read with Amira three times per week. Please let us know if you are having difficulty using the Amira reading tutor so that we can convey your issues to the district in the hopes of resolving them. 

Fall Festival Parade Of Art and Fun!

Dates to Remember

10/9/2020--------Fall Break (No School!)

10/12/2020-------Fall Break (No School!)

10/13/2020------Mandatory Open Meeting (attend at your time)

10/14/2020--------PTA Reflections Due

10/22/2020------Fall Festival Parade 5-6:30pm

11/11/2020-------Veteran's Day (No School!)

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Week of October 4

  The Weekly Newsletter

Book It!

PTA Reflections 

Please check out the link below for more information about the PTA Reflections contest. This year’s theme is “I Matter Because...”

Submissions are due by October 14.

Required Open Meetings On Tuesdays

All students should plan to attend our required open meeting on Tuesday at the appropriate time for their grade level. Students should bring their first informational piece (linked below), and yellow, green and red crayons or colored pencils, so that we can work on them together. 

3rd Years Write your Informative Paragraph!

1st and 2nd Years Write Your Informative Paragraph!

Open Meeting Schedule M, Tu, Th, F

1st years 8:45-9:05 

2nd years 9:05-9:25

3rd years 9:25-9:45


Students should be able to log in to Amira through ItsLearning. They are expected to read with Amira three times per week. Please let us know if you are having difficulty using the Amira reading tutor so that we can convey your issues to the district in the hopes of resolving them . 

Fall Festival Parade Of Art and Fun!

Dates to Remember

10/6/2020-------Mandatory Grade Level Open Meeting

10/9/2020--------Fall Break (No School!)

10/12/2020-------Fall Break (No School!)

10/14/2020--------PTA Reflections Due

10/22/2020------Fall Festival Parade 5-6:30pm

11/11/2020-------Veteran's Day (No School!)

The Week of February 16th

   Weekly Newsletter Boosterthon Fundraiser! Here’s how your family can make a big difference by supporting our school through this fundrais...