Sunday, January 28, 2018

Weekly Newsletter 
The Week the January 29th

Flu Prevention
Students participated in an illness prevention presentation on Friday. They washed their hands properly and learned the best strategies for not spreading germs. Please check out the following Flu Prevention handout that went home with students last week. 

Winter Conferences
Thank you to all that have scheduled conferences. We are sorry that we had to miss several of them last week, due to illness, but are looking forward to meeting with all of you soon. If we missed our conference with you last week, or you have not yet signed up for one, we will post an updated sign-up soon.Please be on the lookout for an updated link! Thank you!

Skill Practice
We recommend that your student use the following websites to practice skills at home. All of our district assessments are given online and computer skills are necessary for our students to do their best on these tests. We want our students to have every opportunity to be successful! If you did not receive your child's login information for MobyMax, TenMarks, or Xtra Math please email Ms. Jazmin and she will get them to you immediately.

Box Tops
Charles Ellis is collecting box tops. Please cut out and send in box tops with your students!

The Learning Community Wish List (bold items are more pressing)

Feb 2- Pizza Party
Feb 15-Spirit Night-Jason's Deli
Feb 19&20- Weather Make-up Days
March 16- Field Trip
March 26-30-Spring Break-No School

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Weekly Newsletter 
The Week the January 22nd

Charles Ellis Fun Run
Thank you so much for helping our school raise money through! The Fun Run was a HUGE success! We had beautiful weather Friday and our students gave it their all out there at Daffin Park!

Thanks to all for the generous donations which helped both the Blue Jays and Cardinals to earn a FUN pencil, extra reading time, shoes off, 10 extra minutes of recess, crazy hair day/extra computer time, pajama day, movie and a pizza party! Friday, January 26th students can wear crazy hair and pajamas! We will also have a pizza party and watch a movie! What fun!

Skill Practice
We recommend that your student use the following websites to practice skills at home. All of our district assessments are given online and computer skills are necessary for our students to do their best on these tests. We want our students to have every opportunity to be successful! If you did not receive your child's login information for MobyMax, TenMarks, or Xtra Math please email Ms. Jazmin and she will get them to you immediately.

Winter Conferences
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to come in and conference with us. If you have not yet done so, please use the following link to schedule a time that works for you to come in and speak to us about your student and their progress. If you do not see a time that works for you, please send us an email, and we can schedule a time that works for all of us to meet. Thank you!

Charles Ellis Bobcat Spirit Night
Please join us at Chick-Fil-A at Victory and Skidaway on Tuesday night, 5-8pm. Make sure you mention Charles Ellis and our school will get 15% of the proceeds! See you there!

January Birthday Celebration
We will celebrate our January birthdays with a walk around the sun and a healthy snack this Thursday, January 25th. If your student has a January birthday, please send in a small snack for 24 students. *Reminder-Your child is encouraged to make a timeline of their important life events. This can be presented on their actual birthday and parents are welcome to attend.

Box Tops
Charles Ellis is collecting box tops. Please cut out and send in box tops with your students!

The Learning Community Wish List (bold items are more pressing)

January 23-Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 5-8
January 25-PTA Meeting 6:30-8:00
January 25-January B-day Celebration
January 26-$1 Pajama Dress Down
Jan 26-Pajama Dressdown/Crazy Hair/Pizza Party/Movie 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Weekly Newsletter 
The Week the January 15th

Coupon Books
Thank you to the families who have returned the coupon books that were not sold during our Fall fundraiser! If you haven't already, please return all unsold coupon books! There are still 216 coupon books that have not been returned to the school. If those coupon books are not returned, Charles Ellis will end up losing money on the fundraiser. 

Charles Ellis Fun Run
Thank you so much for helping our school raise money through! So far our students have earned a FUN pencil, reading time in the morning, shoes off, 10 extra minutes of recess, and crazy hair day/extra computer time! And the Blue Jays are over halfway to getting PAJAMA DAY on January 26th! 

Students will take part in the Charles Ellis Fun Run this Thursday, January 18th. Field trip forms went home with children last Friday. The fun run is scheduled to take place at Daffin Park but will me moved to the JEA should there be inclement weather on Thursday. Please sign both copies of the field trip form that came home with your student last Friday, just in case the fun run is moved to the JEA.

Donations will go toward field trips, playground equipment, and various school projects and to the entire 9-day experience.So please help our school by reaching out to sponsors. Also, all families are invited to come out and cheer and your student at the Fun Run!

Benchmark Assessments
We will continue with benchmark assessments this week. Please continue to have your children read nightly and use the the following web programs when possible. If you did not receive your child's login information for MobyMax, TenMarks, or Xtra Math please email Ms. Jazmin and she will get them to you immediately.

Winter Conferences
Please use the following link to schedule a time that works for you to come in and speak to us about your student and their progress. If you do not see a time that works for you, please send us an email, and we can schedule a time that works for all of us to meet. Thank you!

               The Learning Community

Box Tops
Charles Ellis is collecting box tops. Please cut out and send in box tops with your students!

The Learning Community Wish List (bold items are more pressing)

January 15-MLK Holiday
January 16-19-Lower El MAP Testing-Reading and Math
January 18- Boosterthon Fun Run 
January 20-Charles Ellis Open House
January 20-SCCPSS-Student Expo
January 25-January B-day Celebration
January 26-$1 Dress Down

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Weekly Newsletter 
The Week the January 1st

Welcome Back!
We hope that you enjoyed the long break and got to spend time with family and friends. We are excited for the new year and all the opportunities  for learning that it brings!

Classroom Materials
Thank you so much for your generous donations! We are excited to announce that the money donated to our classroom before the break is being used to purchase solid, liquid, and gas materials, life-cycle materials, seasons mat, continents three-part cards and objects, prepositions three-part cards, human anatomy three-part cards, and musical instrument object to card matching! 

Charles Ellis Fun Run
This year's main fundraiser is the Charles Ellis Fun Run! It's a 9-day program that kicks off with a Pep Rally on January 9th! Families will then gather pledges for every lap your student runs (30-35 laps), and we'll celebrate at the Fun Run on January 18th. With our big goal of raising $8,000 for field trips, playground equipment, and various school projects, we asked the Fun Run experts at Boosterthon to power our Fun Run and make it more profitable, easier, and fun. 

Students will also experience an amazing character theme CASTLE QUEST! an English castle theme all about being brave and living with character. On their quest to regain Bravemore Castle, students will learn the "SIX VIRTUES of a TRUE HERO" from a cast of colorful characters.

Donations will go toward field trips, playground equipment, and various school projects and to the entire 9-day experience.So please help our school by reaching out to sponsors. Also, all families are invited to come out and cheer and your student at the Fun Run!

Benchmark Assessments
Students will take benchmark assessments the week of January 8th. It is important that they continue to practice the skills that they are working on in the classroom at home. Please continue to have your children read nightly and use the the following web programs when possible. If you did not receive your child's login information for any of the websites, please email Ms. Jazmin and she will get them to you immediately.

MobyMax and TenMarks Websites
Students should use the Moby Max website for reading comprehension practice. There is a test prep section as well, that we recommend for all students.
Ten Marks should be used for math practice at home. It is directly aligned to Eureka! Math, which is the newly implemented district math curriculum. 

Please have your students use XtraMath for five minutes of math fact fluency practice daily.

Box Tops
Charles Ellis is collecting box tops. Please cut out and send in box tops with your students!

Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Yankee candle online orders are open through January 15th! Enter the group number 999971165 to make sure our school gets 40% of sales!

The Learning Community Wish List (bold items are more pressing)

January 3-Students Return
January 6-SCCPSS Student Expo
January 8-12-Lower El MAP Testing-Reading and Math
January 9-Fun Run Kick-Off/Pep Rally
January 15-MLK Holiday
January 18- Boosterthon Fun Run 
January 20-Charles Ellis Open House

January 26-$1 Dress Down

The Week of February 16th

   Weekly Newsletter Boosterthon Fundraiser! Here’s how your family can make a big difference by supporting our school through this fundrais...