Monday, July 31, 2017

Supply List

1st Year

  • 4 composition notebooks
  • 1 1” 3-Ring  Binder
  • 1 pack of 5 tab dividers
  • 4 packs of (20) Ticonderoga pencils
  • 2 packs of lined loose leaf paper
  • 3 boxes of Kleenex
  • 4 rolls of paper towels
  • Distilled Vinegar
  • $8 for teacher purchased writing tools. Feel free to donate an additional amount for those that may not be able to purchase.

2nd and 3rd  Year
  • 4 composition notebooks
  • 1 1” 3-Ring  Binder
  • 1 pack of 5 tab dividers
  • 4 packs of (20) Ticonderoga pencils
  • 2 packs of lined loose leaf paper
  • 1 bottle liquid school glue
  • 3 boxes of Kleenex
  • 4 rolls of paper towels
  • $8 for teacher purchased writing tools. Feel free to donate an additional amount for those that may not be able to purchase.
* Earbuds for Technology class and classroom use for ALL STUDENTS

As for the fee on the supply list; we are purchasing writing journals that have organizers, prompts, etc. to facilitate students’ writing in the classroom via lessons with their guide.
Dear Families,

Time is moving on, our summer is coming to a close. It is time to begin to think about the opening of the 2017-2018 school year. We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child into our 6-9 Lower Elementary classroom, grades 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, whether they are brand new or returning. Throughout this school year, each first, second, and third year student will be experiencing many new and different avenues in their education with the Montessori philosophy leading the way .

Welcome to Ms. Jazmin and Ms. Marianne’s classroom community! We are beyond thrilled to announce our new partnership! First, we want to help you understand our goals for our community. Our hope is to build one cohesive classroom with two Montessori certified and trained lead guides, Ms. Marianne Howze and Ms. Jazmin Corbell, and one Montessori trained teachers’ assistant, Ms. Marion Rockett. Ms. Marianne will focus on the English/Language Arts and Cultural curriculum, while Ms. Jazmin will focus on Arithmetic, Geometry, and Cosmic curriculum. Departmentalizing the curriculum will allow us the ability to guide the students into deeper understanding of the curriculum.  

While each of us have a set number of students on each of our rosters in an official capacity, we will treat our 48-50 students as a community. We plan on holding parent teacher conferences in tandem so that we may better communicate your child’s needs and tendencies in each area.

Our field trips will function in a different manner than they have in the past. Now, rather than the entire grade level or even developmental levels going on different days, we will go on field trips in pods. Our pod consists of our classroom community with the inclusion of Ms. Kirsten’s community. This allows us greater flexibility on the types of field trips we go on etc. because of the greatly reduced numbers.

Our main mode of communication is via our classroom blog, as well as email. Because we are functioning as a unit, we will send all emails with either teacher copied on the email. Generally speaking you will receive the original email from the teacher that has your child on their roster.

We realize that guiding and teaching your child is a privilege, as well as a tremendous responsibility. We will do our best this year to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, we cannot do this alone: we need your help. The four of us; teachers, parent, student, need to be partners in the learning process. We need families to encourage your child at home by helping to ensure that they are making the best choices they can make in the classroom; whether it be academic choices or social choices.
We look forward to meeting each of you during Open House as well as welcoming familiar faces. Please join us in rooms 27 and 29, Tuesday, August
1st 3:00 – 4:00 PM – Lower Elementary Grades 1-3 – Light Refreshments. We also look forward to having a very positive year.  Enjoy your last days of vacation. Ready or not, here we go!

We thank you,

Montessori Lead Guides-Ms. Marianne and Ms. Jazmin
Montessori Teachers’ Assistant- Ms. Marion
Rooms 29 and 27

The Week of January 12th

  Weekly Newsletter Welcome back, Blue Jay and Cardinal Families! We hope you had a wonderful winter break filled with joy and relaxation. W...